To Our Wonderful Presenters in Room 955

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for agreeing to present in our hospitality room for Pantheacon 2019. On behalf of North Western Circles Association, please allow me to convey our deepest gratitude for your support. Our ambition is not only to promote awareness about Pagan and Pagan-friendly events, businesses, groups, and vendors in the Sacramento area, but also to give voice to some of your best work that for whatever reason, Pantheacon Programming chose not to include.

We know how much work creating a presentation can be and we want to support you in any way we can.

The schedule for our room is here. Please verify your presentation information and time.

Our room number is 955. We paid to have the beds removed and twenty chairs made available for guests. We expect to check in by 3:00 pm on Friday; earlier if they will give us an early check in. The room officially opens at 4:00 pm on Friday, but you are welcome to drop by earlier if you’d like. The room will be attended during the posted opening ours. During non-open hours, there may or may not be someone present. You are welcome to message me on Facebook (KatrinaMRasbold) if you’d like to stop by during off times (and I can let you know if anyone is there) or if you have questions.

We are serving cookies and Kitchen Witch teas, as well as any other possible donations that come up.

We will have a table, a small screen and a projector that accepts USB connection available for you.

Please bring any promotional or marketing materials you wish to share with your guests. We are happy to accept any of your marketing and promotional items to share with our guests through the duration of the con. Please arrange to collect any of your items before 11:00 pm Sunday night when the room closes for the week.

We ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes before your presentation is scheduled to begin, earlier if you have more than a little set up to do.

Presenters are allowed 90 minutes for each presentation, but are – of course – not required to use all the time. We have a 30 minute buffer between the end of one presentation and the beginning of the next to allow ample time for transitioning.

We were unable to secure room for our full schedule in the main Pantheacon program, however, there is a notice for the room in the program and we have full schedules printed out to put on the marketing tables and around the hotel.

My husband, Eric, and I will be the primary hosts of the room, representing North Western Circles. At times, I am obligated to be in the Llewellyn Suite for appointments, but otherwise – with a few exceptions – we will be there. When we are not there, a designated host will be in the room and can answer your questions. I am always only a Facebook message away if you need anything.

We look forward both to your presentation and to sharing time with you.

Again, our warmest thanks for your participation.

Katrina Rasbold

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